Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Cassette Playa for Amelia's Magazine

MORE STUFF. I think I'm being quite prolific whilst simultaneously lazy at the moment which is quite clever and bound to end in disaster. 

Cassette Playa a/w 2011 at London Fashion Week from Feb. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Monday, 21 March 2011

Rest in peace Knut!

Knut, BEST POLAR BEAR EVER has sadly died suddenly, at the age of 4 in Berlin Zoo (BEST ZOO EVER, FACT.) I saw Knut several years ago, and he was amazing and whatever people may say about captivity and that, I think he was brilliant and I am obsessed with Zoos. I go there nearly every time to go to Berlin. Its the best thing. 

Lots of love to Knut. 

Friday, 18 March 2011

Find Your Feet fashion show for Amelia's Magazine

More pics for the amaze Amelia's Magazine blog

And more AMAZING STUFF to show you soon - fashion and otherwise... I CANT WAIT!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Another blog post about Japan ( but with a bit of a purpose)

Everyone's seen it on the news, and its the hardest footage to watch that I've seen for a while. I think its easy to become sanitised to mass destruction and global events in the age of rolling news, and sadly I think come to expect it in certain areas of the world. And even more sadly perhaps when it happens to a so-termed 'developed' part of the world we are even more upset... outraged, perhaps? That the proof comes back to whack us in the face that we can't actually control nature? I don't know. Anyway, its done. The horrific extensive wholesale destruction and erasure of whole communities, histories, people. I cant do much over here. But I can, help people to donate money. So if you haven't already bought my little book from here then do so, as all the monies will now be going to the British Red Cross to aid Japanese relief efforts. 

(i think Japan might need a bit more than a poke though)

Friday, 4 March 2011

Bryce Aime and Tosha for LFW - Amelia's Magazine

More fashion illustrations for you on this glorious spring like day, enjoy! 

Bryce Aime A/W 2011

Tosha by Tamara Sariachvili

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Georgia Hardinge for Amelia's Magazine

New work for Amelia's Magazine detailing Georgia Hardinge's London Fashion Week show. For anyone unaware of Amelia Gregory, she is a true champion of the fashion illustrator - not something I tend towards generally but enjoy doing- and is a really inspiration to people wanting to break into both illustration and publishing. Its always a pleasure to work on pics for her.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Trash City Limits....

In one of my other guises, I work occasionally with my good friend Rubbish Fairy as House of Doll at Glastonbury and other festivals with Trash City to hostess, dress up and generally disrupt people's nights. Last weekend saw White Trash in Berlin taken over on Saturday night by a selection of the Trash City crew... and I think we may have slightly shook up the cool collected Berliners.. Thanks to Yehuda Swed for these incredible pictures... and all the Trash City crew for an amazing night.